Jasmine Tea Benefits
Jasmine tea is the most scented tea formed from Chinese green tea as the base and jasmine blossom flowers which adds the sweet scent and some health benefits of this tea. The green tea leaves plucked and dried around April are normally mixed together with the jasmine flowers which are often plucked around August when they are fully open till the tea absorbs the flower scent and to speed up this process, they are often baked several times to ensure a strong fragrance.
You mix the jasmine flower with any kind of Chinese tea like oolong tea, pu-erh tea, white tea black tea or any other organic tea but the jasmine flowers taste best with green tea and that’s why 90% of the jasmine teas are made from Chinese green tea as its base.
Jasmine tea benefits are a lot ranging from weight loss benefits which is the most popular benefits ranging to the health benefits like prevent tumor and cancer, preventing cavities and tooth decay in children, boosting the immune system and reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
And in this topic, I am going to give you the benefits of jasmine green tea.
Jasmine Tea Benefits: Helps in Preventing Cancer
One of the greatest health benefit of drinking green tea whether jasmine tea or any other type of green tea is the ability to prevent cancer by inhibiting hexokinase which is an enzyme that promotes the growth of cancer in the body.
A recent study in 2005 shows that rats which were exposed to breast cancer causative agent “carcinogen” were given jasmine tea and they didn’t grow cancer and the study shows that jasmine have a chemopreventive efficacy that prevented the growth of the cancer.
Recently, Jasmonate which is gotten from jasmine plant that prevents it from injuries are now used for the manufacturing of drugs that prevent cancer and tumor development and this Jasmonate is one of the key chemical properties of jasmine plants and further studies in 2009 discovered that both methyl Jasmonate and cis-jasmone were both effective against prostate cancer cells.
Jasmine Tea Benefits: Burn Calories & Promotes Weight Loss
Jasmine tea just like other green tea contains antioxidants, catechins and caffeine and with the synergistic combination causes increase in metabolic activity of the body, burning of calories and weight loss.
It has been discovered that taking jasmine tea increases the metabolic rate with over 4% and taking regularly for over a month increases the metabolic rate in excess of 13.5% and this will increase the rate at which your body burn calories and excess fats in your body, although for the maximum output of the jasmine tea benefits then you should know how many cups of green tea a day to lose weight and also when and how to drink green tea to lose weight.
Jasmine Tea Benefits: Helps Prevent Food Poisoning
A study carried out in Kansas University show that jasmine tea has the ability to inhibit the growth of the bacteria responsible for food poisoning that causes food borne illness like the Listeria and Salmonella. Food industries like juicy production industries where natural means of killing bacteria that causes food poisoning is required, jasmine is used.
Jasmine Tea Benefits: Antioxidants
Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that are known to detox the body organs, fight certain virus and slow the aging in human beings. The antioxidants contained in jasmine tea also boost the body immune system and helps in modulating the calories in the body and cause you to shed excess fats without any side effects, the antioxidants from the jasmine tea helps keep the body against damage from free radicals.
Free radicals are oxidized molecules have unpaired electrons in the body and as they circulate through your body, they now forcefully collect electrons from other molecules to repair the one they are missing and this process will cause damage to your body cells and cause rapid aging but the antioxidants found in the green tea will prevent this process and a recent study from Chinese University of Hong Kong discovered that drinking jasmine tea protects red blood cell damages caused by this free radicals.
Jasmine Tea Benefits: Reduces Cholesterol
Jasmine green tea drink helps in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood and rapidly reduces fats, in 1999, some hamsters were given jasmine green tea antioxidants from jasmine tea and they excreted more fatty acids and cholesterols in their droppings and they also had a lower amount of cholesterol and triglyceride in their blood and ingesting the green tea.
The antioxidant present in jasmine tea connects with the cholesterol in the blood and blocks it and as well as prevents bad cholesterol caused by oxidants from entering into the blood streams and this process helps to prevent diabetes and reduces high blood pressure.
Jasmine Tea Benefits: Reliefs Anxiety and Stress
This is one of the unique benefits of jasmine tea, the actual benefit that makes it very different from other green tea drinks and this ability comes as a result of the mixture of the green tea leaves with jasmine flowers.
Jasmine flowers contains a very sweet smell that is used in aromatherapy to calm nerves, the smell of a fresh jasmine tea have a mild sedative effect that help calms the nerves and calms the rate of your heartbeat giving you immediate relief from stress, anxiety and causes relaxation.
Most world therapist now recommends a cup of jasmine tea to their patients going through anxiety and stress and even patients with high blood pressure to drink one cup jasmine tea or smell a fresh blossom flower when they are in shock and stress to mildly sedate and calm them down.
Jasmine tea has a lot of benefits which are still left to be discussed like their ability to prevent cavities and tooth decay in children, boosting body immune, reducing high level of sugar in the blood stream, care for post-natal depression in women and cure for acne and joint pain, one other things that matter is know how to prepare a jasmine tea.
Precious Ngwu
Green Weight Loss Expert
Green Weight Loss Expert