Green Tea HP for Weight Loss
Green tea HP is a blend of highly concentrated green tea, noni juice, pomegranate juice, resveratrol and trace minerals, the green tea HP is an instant green tea weight loss and health supplement. Each box of a green tea HP contains 60 pixies of Green Tea HP and each pixie contains 1,000 milligrams of green tea extract and that means that each box contains 60,000 milligrams of green tea extracts making it so nutritious and highly effective for weight loss and also very effective on the health benefits of green tea.
One of the greatest benefits of Green Tea HP is that each pixie contains over 500 mg of polyphonels and over 200 mg of EGCG, which means you get all the health and weight loss benefits of over 20 cups of regular green tea. Green Tea HP's twenty delicious flavors taste great both cold and hot.
Comparison of Green Tea HP to Ordinary Green Tea
1. Green tea HP in many ways have comparison with ordinary green tea and it also have a lot of advantageous benefits over ordinary green tea that makes more effective both in the weight loss and health benefits of green tea.
2. Some of the advantages of Green Tea HP over Ordinary Green Tea include:
3. Green tea HP does not contain any preservatives or artificial colors
4. Green Tea HP tastes greater whether cold or hot unlike most green tea drinkers that tastes bitter when made with cold water
1. Green Tea HP is the only green tea made from fresh (not dried) green tea leaves and uses a patented water extraction process, providing all the health benefits of green tea including polyphenols (flavonoids), vitamins, amino acids, minerals, fibers, and more.
2. In ordinary green tea, you get 10 mg of polyphenols per cup but with Green Tea HP, you will get 500 mg of polyphenols due to the extraction process used in making Green Tea HP which equals 50 cups of ordinary green tea.
Though green tea HP is highly concentrated, it does not promise any fast weight loss on the drinkers, in fact, it's not a quick process to lose weight. In several studies performed by the Dulloo and Rumpler team, a metabolic chamber was used to measure the energy expenditure of their study subjects over 24 hours. They found that green tea increases metabolism by 2.9 percent and 4 percent and fat burning by 12 percent and 35 percent, respectively. This means that green tea HP does not in itself make you lose weight. Green tea HP simply helps your body process fat and burn calories more effectively. If you burn 200 calories in a workout while drinking green tea regularly, you will burn 35 percent more calories.
Green Tea is the #1 producer of polyphenols and green tea HP likely comes with a larger amount of polyphenols depending on the company that manufactured the green tea HP but no matter, the producers of green tea HP always compete to make it better than ordinary green tea drinks so they make it more concentrated on polyphenols, catechins, caffeine and antioxidant to help prevent damages caused by free radicals in the body and these green tea substances help in burning calories, excess fats and thus providing their weight loss and health benefits.
In conclusion, it is possible that Green Tea HP will help you lose weight, but it appears that the company and product are more interested in a healthier lifestyle. Green tea has been proven to help the consumer lose weight by increasing metabolism and burning calories more effectively. Green Tea HP adds powerful antioxidants but nothing that will suppress appetite or specifically work with the body to lose weight other than the green tea.
Checkout our Top Recommended Green Tea HP Companies that you can get the best Green Tea HP from.
Precious Ngwu
Green Weight Loss Tea Expert