About Us

Thank you for visiting Green Weight Loss Tea official website.

On the green weight loss tea site, what we offer is teach you everything you need to know about green tea, we have started this site by first teaching you how to prepare the green tea for weight loss and we will continue sharing ideas that matters to green tea and both it's weight loss and health benefits.

Who Owns Green Weight Loss Tea Site:
This site is owned and maintained by one of the world famous internet marketers "Precious Ngwu" who started marketing in 2008 and started his full time weight loss journey in 2009, the idea of creating this website was to use it help people who wants to burn more calories and lose their weight faster without incuring any health problems and drinking green tea has the perfect answer to this but most weight loss patients haven't discovered that green tea is a weight loss tea.

We at GreenWeightLossTea.blogspot.com, our target is to pass that message unto them and help them start a natural healthy weight loss program by using green tea as their new weight loss supplements.